Then a brief Bass section w/ (Ithink the chords) E AA E E A E
Repeat Verse and E A chord switching
Main Riff Section
Chorus: C#m E A Ab B Ab
Then C#m E A Ab B C#m
Then C#m E~~~
Main Riff Section
Main Riff Section
Repeat A chord at progression's end for "goodbye" Lyric
Main Riff section, end on E A E~~~~ chords.
P.S. Ignore the 9 on the g string on the intro riff, It was a mistake
P.P.S. The chorus chord progression Is basically the C#m E A with the Ab B Ab and Ab B C#m sections occuring whe the lead vocals oscillate on the lyrics "You LIED hi hied." and "Go BYE hi hi"
Hope this is goo
d -Matt
From: (Olivia D. Isaac)
Subject: TAB: Interstate Love Song, STP
Someone (I think his name was Matt) posted some chords to this song and he
welcomed any comments or corrections. Well, I have some corrections...